update-- a bit of synchronicity: Jon Pareles' piece in today's NY Times makes a more succinct statement than mine about the front row seat we all have to "celebrity" crack-up. (Of course, I also realize I neglected to include Amy Winehouse in the list above.) "There's a sleazy symbiosis that connects instantaneous worldwide visibility, publicity, marketing and narcissism."
oh and another thing: I can't help thinking, too, about the days when one could pay a penny and take a walk through Bedlam. Visitors "delighted in" the patients' 'frenzical extravagancies.'" The noisy crowd of gaping sightseers found it a rare diversion when not attending public executions...
(The History of Bethlem by Jonathan Andrews, Routledge - 1997)
Henry Fuseli, born Johann Heinrich Füssli (1741–1825) in Switzerland, produced dynamic, dark-themed and somewhat overwrought proto-Romantic works. He became a teacher at London's Royal Academy and was an influence on William Blake.
Images: Mad Kate 1806-07, 2 versions of The Nightmare 1782, 1790, Silence 1799-1801.
Remember Synanon, from the 70s? "Straight" people were invited to tour the facility to gawk at the junkies in various stages of withdrawal.
wow. I didn't know that-- I guess that was in the "scared straight" school of deterrence...
oh i thot it was a 'fusilli moment'
just kidding
today there would be a reality TV show in which people at home watch those in Bedlam...
OR maybe that's what current reality TV basically is...
Jerry Springer is a Bedlam visit for the 21st century.
I think the announcement that Spear's obituary was queued up and ready to go got to me for some reason. God knows I wish I never had to read or see one more thing about her but the utter callousness and soulless disregard was too much. THAT seemed like the mob-fervor one reads about in accounts of public executions of yore...
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