
foreign territory

Liking California artist Allison Schulnik's work is a complete anomaly for me. How it is that I've fallen for her? The crude anti-pretty harshness, the accretions of paint (impasto-- I hate impasto!) and did I mention the disturbing clowns? It reminds me a bit of Gaetano Pesce (ghastly), and of Paul Evans furniture (the horror). But I also see Francis Bacon and James Ensor and despite all the names I've mentioned, I also see a really singular vision that somehow I find really arresting. She has an emotionally uncompromising and focused style. Yet through sculpture, painting and claymation film I dont find her repeating herself. The work seems like a progression... and I like that it leads me to foreign aesthetic territory.

Do not miss her video for Grizzly Bear—it's mesmerizing.

I found Allison on my other discovery, the eminently likeable (and linkable) Teenangster. Teen' is wide-ranging: street style to street views, from obscure art, and vintage, to-- very importantly— cute kitties. Intelligent but not highfalutin', stylish without a self-conscious hipster demeanor. Check her out too. UPDATE: Teenangster is no more//

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