
yesterday's purchases

There is something so poignant about this card— the "new" Grand Central Terminal, the heartfelt emotion about a missed visit and a bad connection. But it was the apostrophe before " 'phone " that sealed the sale for me.
I can almost hear, "Hello Central, get me Miss Ida Mayer on Long Island."

New Grand Central Terminal, New York.
postmarked: August 16, 1913
Grand Central Station

to: Miss Ida Mayer, Jamaica, LI, NY

     I was so glad to know that you were at the other end of that 'phone– even though I could not understand more than one word out of five– but why will people always make important calls just at the wrong time– I long to see you so much, but we will just have to write to one another still– and hope to see one another sometime.
     Ever and ever so much love to your dear ones and your own dear self–
I don't exactly approve of the effect Paddy's was trying for here on this card but I applaud the boldness of it. That is some daring airbrushing. It puts me in mind of some of my postcards of questionable merit.

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