
Get out your pince-nez and glue pots

Just when the embers of my Bauhaus-inspired armchair crafts enthusiasm started to die the Metropolitan comes up with a show to rekindle the flame, Playing With Pictures: The Art of Victorian Photocollage.
Readers here may remember my post a year ago on Victorian collage and my Sackville-West album findings (below) from the magical George Eastman House

Those discoveries, some from Georgiana Berkeley's album, and much more appear to be on view. I hope to report back on the show soon.
In the meantime, by coincidence, I am supposed to go to a collaging party tonight. I hope to have something to report on that as well...
Update:  Well the collaging party was very fun, although it took quite a while to break out the scissors and paper. We filled our time with Russian plov and salad and vintage cocktails. My evening's subpar effort directly below (thats me in the photo) It's the first thing I've done in a very long while so I wont judge to harshly.

At bottom are two never-finished collages I did after visiting Detroit in the early 90s. The photos of abandoned houses were taken downtown. The desolation was unlike anything I'd ever seen. Post-apocalyptic.

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