
attention art directors

I clicked through to the New York Times'
"reader submitted" video of "Woodstock Memories,"
God knows why.
Most of what's there is uninteresting current remembrance by the grizzled and the not-so, filmed in their kitchens and rec rooms.
There is, however, one haunting, mysterious home video from the time, of people driving away from the Woodstock site.
It is faded, decayed, haloed and choppy and the only sound is that of a movie projector.
It is almost too oddly beautiful to be true.
The people, smiling and acknowledging the camera, seem like peace-sign flashing apparitions. The parade of cars alone is noteworthy: a record of a time when DIY jalopies were a huge automobile category....
The footage, with no other explanation, is credited to Robert Bedick.

Postscript thought: How many middle aged advertising and fashion executives of the '60s fetishized the look or music of their youth: the 1920s. (Yes— the equivalent of the Woodstockers today would have recalled Good Old Days of wind-up Victrolas, raccoon coats and silent movies.) I suppose the simple shift dresses of Courreges, say, and the boyish Twiggy silhouette owed something to the Flapper...Something I never thought about before.